Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tatiana's New Year Wish. Listen Up!

Testing out and having fun with this animated greeting, free app for Android...

謹賀新年. Happy New 2012 Year!

Looking (up and) forward to brave a brand new year filled with adventures and loves with my special, and very much loved, ones. May this new year brings more kindness out from the ordinary and may the cruel hearted ride on a wave of endless failure/disaste...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Meow Connexion. Siblings.

Do... Re... M...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

All Warm & Fuzzy, My Li'Ocha

My little one taking her cat burrito style nap after a Christmassy meal...

Merry Christmas 2011

Have a sweet and beautiful Christmas with your loved ones and Happy Holidays ★!! With ♥,Furry Babies & me...φ(・ω・♣)☆・゚...

Ocha & Tatiana. Oh so rare!

Tatiana: *stealth... stealth... *Ocha: What the?!Tatiana: ... Ocha: Whatcha doing there?Tatiana: ... nothing. Passing through. ((The younger one has grown so much bigger than her older sister)) Ocha: She's still there, right? Ocha and Tatiana used to be very close when they were younger. Today is the first time in 2 years, they are seen being...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ocha's Pre & Post Bathed

Calming her before a bath. Calming her after a bath. Ocha is all prep for our little Christmas furry party. Next, Koh...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

#Cats: Siblings Quarrel?

These two are real close, usually. Unusual to see them separated like tha...

KB's Christmas (Tree)

This is the first Christmas tree in this hall. The moment I set it up, with lights and ding-dong, I noticed KB will keep going under the tree and spaced out at it! So, I've decided to placed a nice little pillow for him to curl on under his favourite tree. I even placed his Teddy Bear and Binbiné's first mini Christmas tree under it. Every night, when...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

9GAG tumblr • Google Translate

via 9GA...

Christmas 2011 Center Piece Display at AEON Jusco Bukit Indah

See the full gallery on Posterou...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Edible Hauls from Italy

Took a while to find this. Many countries/airports couldn't find! Mirabell Mozartkugeln Mozartkugeln Chocolates from Mirabell in Salzburg, are the most popular Mozart Chocolates in Austria. They are available in all kind of variations and quantities: - in a heart shaped box - in a violin box - in a flowers wrapping - tin and coffee cup - and in a 12,...

Edible Hauls from Italy

See the full gallery on Posterous Mostly from Florence. Managed to get my favourite Swiss chocolate in Vienna...

Kid Gets a New Ear Made from His Own Rib

That's Sean Wingrove-Smith from Walderslade, England, up above, and doctors were able to give him a new ear thanks to a procedure that sounds like a verse out of Genesis. read more at Gizmodo. Growing body parts are just way cool! Am glad to see more of it lately. Like growing finger bits from tummy which I've posted earlie...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yaoki Japanese Restaurant

See the full gallery on Posterous Details at Foodspotting: Yaoki Japanese Foods Sdn Bh...

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Oh Land: Nordic Fantasia

Oh Land: Nordic Fantasia pop-electro songstress Nanna Øland Fabricius, aka Oh Land, takes a dramatic turn as she cycles aimlessly about Copenhagen’s animated streets in director Matthew Donaldson’s short. Though Oh Land has called Brooklyn, New York, home since early 2010, the Copenhagen native still pines for the Nordic mini-metropolis. “I miss being able...

Mama Cat Rescuing Kitty on Tree - Happy Ending

via YouTube Mama Cat sounds just like my missing Ponchi when she calls her kittens. Sig...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Another precious & meaningful gift from Thomas Sabo ♥   Another year of receiving the limited edition personal diary ♥ Pop! The sweet li'Swede horse ♥ A sweet little piece to commemorate our adventure in Sweden this year and the coming year. A charm is a special little precious meanings I collect. Each of it meant some special events in my...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

db Bistro Moderne at Marina Bay Sands

The Marina Bay Sands Resort 10 Bayfront Avenue Singapore 018956 HOURS DINNER 5:30PM - 10:30PM Seven Days WEEKEND BRUNCH Saturday & Sunday 11:00AM - 3PM BAR SERVICE Daily 11:00AM - Midnight &nbs...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tatiana: Vidclip on Phone

via YouTube. I miss my Xacti camcorder to the max! It has been almost a month since I brought it back to the service centre. Getting update of it from that retarded lady-behind-the-phone is futile. No news and no calling back as promised! Meanwhile, am going to find ways to edit HD videoclips taken from Xacti on my Honeycomb tablet. Much hmmm for no...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happee Fangsgiving!

Pic from icanhascheezburge...