Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hangouts after Google+ Android Updates

+Kenneth Loke and I have been testing the Hangouts extensively since Sunday. Our Android devices are receiving the rollout accordingly - Hangouts and Google+.

Once we received the Google+ updates, we can see many changes as well in the Hangouts (app). Most obvious with the photo sharing bits.

Hangouts on Android
Photo sharing options on Android Hangouts

Another confusing and (annoying) incomplete flow of autobackup+autofiling which I am still trying to grasp. I have NOT found a workflow around them. I hate duplication and now, it seemslike my photos are all over the Google+ albums!

  • Some photos appearing in my phone app but not in the web.
  • Some photos can be deleted on web but not on the phone app.
  • Photos in Hangouts web album are low resolution without ability for setting.
  • Some photos in Photos/Highlight (on web navigation menu) appear to be a duplicate but once deleted, it wipes out from other album as well.

Now I am very unsure which I can delete safely after moving to album from Photos/Highligt/Autobackup.

I wish my Google+ app on phone has its dedicated Autobackup folder so I can access without confusion. The web version of the Autobackup can be found and is less confusing. I'm sure by reading my dilemma above, you are just as confused. Well, I am as confused as the written issue above.

For now, I will spend a little more time at navigating and testing on all platforms, including Picasa on web. Till then, here are some of the low-resolution photos in the auto-created web album by the Hangouts (Kenneth and I).

Hi, Papa, I'm Cat Tatiana's facepillow!

More photo sharing through Hangouts the following day. This time, both our Google+ app on Android are updated. With that, new features are also added in Hangouts (Android) app, too. Sharing in this app is also faster than Line.

Note: By clicking on the photo that is shared in Hangouts, you can choose to download in higher resolution.

Showing my Mr. the giant nonya rice dumpling I'm having...



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