Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poor Max! Cat returns home with an arrow lodged in his head (T^T)

It's a good thing that Max has nine lives to spare.
After getting an arrow lodged in his head, it's almost certain he is now one life short.
Brad Paquin and his wife Nancy recalled his cat Max was missing for two days but they expected him to come back at any moment and left food for him in his bowl.

Injury: Max, a three-year-old domestic short hair, is seen with an arrow sticking through his ear and into the base of his head
Injury: Max, a three-year-old domestic short hair, is seen with an arrow sticking through his ear and into the base of his head

Lucky escape: Fortunately for Max, the arrow did not cause any extensive damage or crack his skull and he was able to return home soon after

Lucky escape: Fortunately for Max, the arrow did not cause any extensive damage or crack his skull and he was able to return home soon after

And return he did, darting into his Santa Cruz house and straight for his food bowl as he always did.

Only this time he had a black, red and yellow arrow lodged into his head.

When Mr Paquin took the cat to the vet, they found that it was lodged two to three inches into his head but did not crack the skull or cause permanent damage.

He told Mercury News: 'He's one tough cat. It looked like a
Halloween costume when I first saw him.

'When we got to the vet they
confirmed the arrow had been in there for at least 24 hours, so he was
disoriented and had been injured for awhile.'
But three-year-old Max was able to return home two days later and is said to be 'doing well' with only a small hole in his ear.

Lodged: The vet was able to determine that the 12-inch arrow had come from a crossbow and authorities are trying to find out who is responsible
Lodged: The vet was able to determine that the 12-inch arrow had come from a crossbow and authorities are trying to find out who is responsible

Safe and well: Max has now returned home and is doing well except for a hole in his ear but his owners will be keeping him as an indoor cat from now on
Safe and well: Max has now returned home and is doing well except for a hole in his ear but his owners will be keeping him as an indoor cat from now on

Mr Paquin said: 'I wanted people to know this happened because, to me, I think it has to be a kid who did it. The arrow was short enough that it
couldn't have been the type of high-powered bow an adult would use.

'If there is a kid who didn't think of the consequences, or needs help
and is shooting at animals in the neighbourhood, that has to be

He said though Max has been able to fend for himself outside, they will be keeping him as an indoor cat from now on.

Santa Cruz County Animal Services Manager Todd Stosuy says the cat was shot with a 12-inch arrow that appeared to come from a crossbow.
No arrests have been made, but animal control officers are canvassing the neighbourhood trying to identify a possible suspect.

I hope the authority will find out who did that. I'm pretty sure he/she will understands I need him/her to practice my dart-throwing, y'know? M$%@#*!


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