Thursday, May 16, 2013

Google Updates: Money thru Gmail and Hangouts More

Woken up today to find new videos updated in Google's Channel, and finding plenty of this news shared from various Circles in my Google+.

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First one I've checked was sending money through Gmail. Google Wallet within Gmail. How nice! If only it works like I needed - international payment sending/receiving AND working for Malaysia's users.

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Another piece of update is their Hangouts! I wonder what will happen to my Android devices' Google Talk now. Not too optimal for open source devs?

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About 90% of my contacts have Gmail ala Google account to access ALL of its products. Just sign into any of them with that one account. You're sorted! Yet, 75% of my contacts haven't a glue about how connected are all these products they've been using! Fully UNDERUSED what is already there, just barely scratching the surface only.

So, after browsing through my daily, usual usage of Google Products, I noticed the updates didn't just stop at the above mentioned (2). On both its apps and webs.

Going to check them all out in a bit!


I have the new Hangouts installed when I checked my Google Play. Upon clicking on it, it brought me back to my old Google Talk that came with my phone. As Google promised, they will roll out the full replacement in the next few days to everyone. I hope I won't be the one got stuck with the old looking Talk. Fingers crossing tightly till then!

Irregularities are also shown when I used the Hangouts on iOS (iPad). When I starts the video chat, my Android contact cannot join. He is on the status as my above mentioned state.

When I switched to Google+ Messenger app on my phone, the latest chat didn't show. So, iPad Hangouts → Android Google Talk (only).

I tried initiate the video call again, this time using my Android Google Talk (which has the active chat from iPad Hangouts). It works.

For now, while waiting for the FULL replacement to mete, using the new Hangouts itself is going to cause some serious (buggy) confusion across different platforms. Especially those of us who owns an Android devices with Google Talk pre-installed.


Thanks to Niklas. He suggested I install Hangouts to my phone via desktop. It works! Total replacement of my old Google Talk. Unfortunately, my tablet, version 4.0.3, cannot install the new Hangouts. Hope this is not it. Till full roll out then.

Do remember to check your Setting within the app. Select contact mode assigned for each Circles you have in Google+.



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