Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 1: Food and Hotel Malaysia 2015

Demo class by Norwegian Salmon (Kenneth Loke)
The day started early for my hubby as he arrived at the venue at 08:00H. First demo class starts at 10:00H. Last demo class for the day will be at 15:00H. In Hall 5's Hospitality Lounge.

+Weiming Leong will be entering a competition today from 09:45H. An hour runs in Hall 6.
Wei Ming's entry.
Met up with Wei Ming in Hall 6 before we both headed to Kenneth's demo class. Which was at the end of its session already when we arrived.
Up close and personal with the Chefs
Q&A while tasting

Creations by Chef Peter

From Scales to Tails by Chef Kenneth Loke

Sticking true to sustainable farming/cooking we've learnt from Norwegian Seafood during our visit in its Norway's farms [LINK].

Other photos taken which caught my interest;


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