Sunday, July 31, 2016

Kohi, My Gentle Giant

So shy, so gentle
Being the only boy in Queen-filled household,  ~~(/ ̄3)/ kiss~★ my little boy has grown up, big and, very sheltered by all his younger sisters and cat-mama.

I still recalls, fondly, how Ponchi, his cat-mama ☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ protected him a lot from being bullied by other street furbabies. When cat-mama is not around, his younger sisters like Purin and Ocha will protect him. He is often seen hiding behind Purin or Ocha when is scared.

Now that we are all living under the same, small roof, he is often seen at a corner, looking at his fur-sisters playing or cuddling with me. When I'm free - from other furbabies' cuddling - he will eases up to me and gave me the most cuddly cuddle & loudest purrs.


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