Friday, December 27, 2013

Cold Dinner, Warm Gesture

When the weather turns cold, eat cold food! Craving knows no logic. Teehee.

My sweetheart +Kenneth Loke came home from a haul spree in one of Stockholm's biggest Asian mart; so he said, I didn't go. He couldn't wait to get dinner started! Unfortunately, I had some warm, light dinner before he came home. Oops!

Cold Soba

Thinking I wouldn't want a heavy dinner after my hot dinner, he whipped out some of my favourite summer food in Japan!

Raw slices of cucumber, radish(?) sprinkled with basic
Furikake 振り掛け, sesame oil and shōyu(?)

Light and refreshing selection for my greens/roots platter.

Cold tofu makes me melt! Teehee. Delightful!

I HAVE to watch how hubby does this dish! The cuttlefish was really well-done! Crispy but not dry!



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