Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Tashirojima, Cat Island of Japan, Post-Quake+Tsunami

On Tashirojima, an island about 9 miles off the coast of Japan, cats outnumber its 100 aging human residents, and luckily, all survived the devastating 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit the country last week.  But both the feline and human residents of “Cat Island,” like so many others, are in desperate need of aid.
Read more at Discovery News.

According to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support, the people and cats of Tashirojima are short of food, but an army helicopter with supplies was on the way. The organization also asked that cat food be provided, too.


The feral cat population on Tashirojima exploded after fishermen brought the pets to curb the island's growing rat population. The cats are valued for their beauty and companionship, and Cat Island, which features a shrine for felines and cat-shaped homes, had become a popular tourist destination for cat lovers.

This is where I want to and will be, quake/tsunami or not.


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