Saturday, April 28, 2012

Temporary but Warm Welcome

Twitter has acquired Posterous. If history is going to repeat itself, things are not going to be looking good for many existing fans of Posterous.

There really isn't an easy way - like import/export XML - around this. There is a paid service offered online for a fee at this moment, if you cannot wait for any new update from Posterous. While I hope Posterous will not come to an end, I'm afraid my pom-pom dances while cheering "Long Live Posterous!" are not making it any better. As I am writing this now, Posterous is currently in a comatose state. With API limiting issue and going all quiet at developers/users' plights. 

So, I am back to Blogger once again. Am pretty happy to see the new interface and absolutely love the mobile viewing option. As it has been years since I last dabble any editable and manual settings in Blogger, I now have a renewed hopefulness of this new changes.

I will be taking a little time out, without an actual dateline at the moment, to explore and discover how this new Blogger is going to ease all the hassles I once had with it. Hopefully, it will be my more permanent solution this time without the itch to try out others. Let's see if this new Blogger is going to give me what I love about Posterous, or close, and maybe even more!


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