Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ground Beef with Roasted Potato & Tomato Salad

Ground Beef Salad

Place roasted tomato slices first
 Layer the elements on plate now!
Super love the glass dish made in Japan!
 Bought 2 of this beautiful Japan made glass dish a couple of weeks back. Super love it but...
Bleeding hell! Not even that warm to crack it! couldn't stand any heat at all! I wasn't even placing the tomato slices straight from oven. If I can use my bare fingers to touch it, I'm pretty sure it wasn't that hot! In less than a minute of placing all 3 slices on the glass dish, it broke!

Hokay, message received. This dish is ONLY for cold entrées! Going to check if it is for sale still. Hope to purchase a replacement for the broken one above.
Potato topping next!


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