Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tuna Flakes, Oeufs de Truite, Furikake with Sushi Rice

Feeling under the weather again. For a reasonably light and refreshing quick lunch, I'm going to just go ahead with the shortcut - canned tuna in brine.

Usually, I will make salmon flakes out from the salmon blocks on grocery deals. Quite a tedious process but it can be stored in fridge for a while. Easy to assemble for a quick meal like this.

When I asked my hubby if he can thinks of a recipe for our final batch of dory fish, he said he feels like having it with oeuf de truite. We had this jar of trout roe for a couple of weeks since last opened/used. Need to clear it A.S.A.P. So, I decided to make this lunch using the last can of tuna in brine in the house.

Hubby also requested me to made the usual boiled rice as sushi rice.


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